First time you run a LAMMPS job?

This page contains info aimed at first time users of LAMMPS on our clusters, but may also be usefull to more experienced users.

LAMMPS job script example

The job-script as seen here:

#!/bin/bash -l

################### LAMMPS Job Batch Script Example ###################
# Section for defining queue-system variables:
# This script asks for Triumphant Coal and 64 cores .  
# Runtime for this job is 59 minutes; syntax is hh:mm:ss.
# SLURM-section
## Select triumphant-coal
#SBATCH --partition=triumphant-coal
## 64 Threads
#SBATCH --ntasks=64
##Name of the job
#SBATCH --job-name=vasp_runex
##Two ours
#SBATCH --time=02:00:00
## asks SLURM to send the USR1 signal 10 minutes before the end of the time limit
#SBATCH --signal=B:USR1@600
#SBATCH --output=vasp_runex.log

# Section for defining job variables and settings:

# We load all the default program system settings with module load:

module --quiet purge
module load nvhpc/21.3 triumphant-coal/lammps/pgi/git-110621
# You may check other available versions with "module avail VASP"

#Don't forget to set this to 1, if you do not setup your run for OMP parallelization! 

# A unique file tag for the created files
file_tag=$( date +"%d%m%y-%H%M" )

# Define and create a unique scratch directory for this job

# You can copy everything you need to the scratch directory
# ${SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR} points to the path where this script was submitted from

# Running the job

# define the handler function
# note that this is not executed here, but rather
# when the associated signal is sent
        echo "function your_cleanup_function called at $(date)"
        tar cvf ${SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR}/results-${SLURM_JOBID}-$file_tag.tar *

# call cleanup_function once we receive USR1 signal
trap 'cleanup_function' USR1

echo "starting calculation at $(date)"

# Running the program:
# the "&" after the compute step and "wait" are important
mpirun lmp -in _your_input_file_ &

echo "Job finished at"
################### Job Ended ###################
exit 0

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