First time you run a Quantum Espresso job?

This page contains info aimed at first time users of Quantum Espresso on in one of our workstations, but may also be useful to more experienced users. Please look carefully through the provided examples. Also note that the job-script example is rather richly commented to provide additional and relevant info.

If you want to run this testjob, download the copies of the scripts and put them into your test job folder (which I assume you have created in advance).

Quantum Espresso Tutorial

Let’s do the basics of pw.x in the Q-E tutorial


It is better you do the tutorial in your own PC, since they are very “light” calculations, and you will not need to wait for resources. You can easily install Quantum Espresso to your own pc using Anaconda by

conda install -c conda-forge qe

Download the tarred job handson_pwscf.tar.gz.

move this file to your test job folder and type

tar -zxf handson_pwscf.tar.gz

The instructions you need to follow are in handson_pwscf.pdf. These examples are designed to be run interactively. If you want to do this in our cluster, you need to reserve yourself an interactive job Interactive jobs

Quantum Espresso Production Test Job

In this example, we will run one of the basic Quantum Espresso examples

Download the tarred job qe-example-job.tar.gz.

This is a simple pw.x run for the Silicon. It should run very fast and minimal resources

Upload this to your home directory, and untar the file

tar -zxf qe-example-job.tar.gz
cd qe-example-job

Please inspect the pw.x input file to see the structure. The pseudopotential is already included in this example in the pseudo directory. However, you are encouraged to check out the Standart Solid State PPs In Carbon, pslibrary pseudo potentials can be reached from /share/apps/pslibrary1.0.0

Next, you need to create a job script in this directory. You can use the example script here


This script will ask for shared 4 cpus in Triumphant Coal. Copy the files in the example directory to the local scratch (which is much much faster), and finaly copy the results back to where it was launched in a .tar.gz archive.

Feel free to modify the job script for your needs.

################### Quantum Espresso Job Batch Script Example ###################
# Section for defining queue-system variables:
# This script asks for Triumphant Coal and 4 cores .
# Runtime for this job is 59 minutes; syntax is hh:mm:ss.
# SLURM-section
## Select Triumphant Coal workstation
#SBATCH --partition=triumphant-coal
## 4 jobs
#SBATCH --ntasks=4
##Name of the job
#SBATCH --job-name=q-e_ex
##one hour
#SBATCH --time=00:59:00
##Ask/Allow sharing the node
#SBATCH --oversubscribe
## asks SLURM to send the USR1 signal 10 minutes before the end of the time limit
#SBATCH --signal=B:USR1@600
##The name of the log file (you can see the progress of your job here)
#SBATCH --output=q-e_ex.log

# This section is for defining job variables and settings
# that needs to be defined before running the job

#name of the input file
#name of the output file
#name of the executable

# We load all the default program system settings with module load:

module --quiet purge
module load compiler/latest mkl/latest mpi/latest triumphant-coal/Q-E/oneapi/git280822-oneapi21.2
# You may check other available versions with "module avail q-e"

#Don't forget to set this to 1, if you do not setup your run for OMP parallelization!

# A unique file tag for the created files
file_tag=$( date +"%d%m%y-%H%M" )

# Define and create a unique local scratch directory for this job. Remember, this will
# make your job run  much faster!

# You can copy everything you need to the scratch directory
# ${SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR} points to the path where this script was submitted from
rsync -arp ${SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR}/ .

# This section is about collecting the results from the local scratch back to
# where the job was run. Make sure that you have enough quota, if you want to
# collect the wave functions as well!

# define the handler function
# note that this is not executed here, but rather
# when the associated signal is sent
        echo "function cleanup_function called at $(date)"
        tar cvf results-${SLURM_JOBID}-$file_tag.tar *
        gzip  results-${SLURM_JOBID}-$file_tag.tar
        du -sh results-${SLURM_JOBID}-$file_tag.tar.gz
        mv results-${SLURM_JOBID}-$file_tag.tar.gz ${SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR}

# call cleanup_function once we receive USR1 signal
trap 'cleanup_function' USR1

# This section actually runs the job. It needs to be after the previous two
# sections

echo "starting calculation at $(date)"

# First, let's go to the local scratch directory

# Running the program:
# the "&" after the compute step and "wait" are important for the cleanup process
# the "tee" is used to mirror the output to the slurm output, so that you can follow
# the job progress more easily
run_line="mpirun ${qe_executable} < ${input_file} |tee ${output_file} &"
echo $run_line
eval $run_line

echo "Job finished at"
################### Job Ended ###################
exit 0

See Quantum Espresso in our cluster for further details, tips and tricks.