Double Major in METU Physics

Double Major in METU Physics

Welcome double majors and minors!

Please see this post about equivalent courses

There are two important resources for you to search for equivalent lectures. The first one is the OIBS Autoreplacement table, and the second one is the equivalency tables I try to keep updated via your feedback. 


The lectures you find in autoreplace table are always equivalent. Other lecture equivalencies are determined by departments each semester, and one lecture being accepted by one department does not mean it is accepted by the other department. These work like one way connection between nodes in Graph Theory. 

For the equivalent courses, you need to choose which course you want to follow, and fill a plea form in the department you are not taking the course. (i.e. you want to follow the course in your original department, then you need the fill the form in physics department, and have me sign it)

You'll notice that some of the lectures you've taken in the other department, and in the Autoreplacement table are not registered to your Physics curriculum yet. Unfortunately, this procedure takes time, around 1-2 weeks. If you don't see these courses after this period, you'll need to fill out a plea form available at the department's web page, have me sign it, and leave it at the secretariat.

If you are joining our department at your 5th semester or more, I advise you to fill this form ASAP to have the courses ready before the add-drops so that you won't have prerequisite problems.

Remember, don't overstrain yourself with excessive course work, don't take the courses you've taken the equivalent of.

Best of luck, and enjoy!

Example pleas to Physics Dept. for Equivalent Courses

The following pleas are for example purposes only! Please download the current plea from from the physics webpage!

The part 1 (General to all departments)
Don't forget to fill required fields using a computer!
The part 2 example for EE department (remove any lesson you did not take, and fill the grade/year information)
The part 2 example for ME department (remove any lesson you did not take, and fill the grade/year information)
The part 2 example for CENG department (experimental MATH209) (remove any lesson you did not take, and fill the grade/year information)

