Multi-GPU Qubit simulator with pennylane lightning.gpu in TRUBA

Multi-GPU Qubit simulator with pennylane lightning.gpu in TRUBA

Multi-GPU scaling of Pennylane Quantum Simulator for machine learning applications


  • At the moment I can access GPUs in a single node. cuQuantum seems to have multi-node capability in works (see here).
  • The multi-node support status of the Pennylane  as of now is here
    • Currently cuQuantum multi-node support for a single state vector is not yet implemented (but they plan to implement it in the future)

    • Distrubuted computing examples mentioned in reply: 1 2 3

  • pennylane._device.DeviceError: Observable Hermitian not supported on device lightning.gpu

  • pennylane.QuantumFunctionError: Adjoint differentiation method does not support expectation return type mixed with other return types



  • The preparation of the cuQuantum+Pennylane singularity container is explained elsewhere.
  • I am using PopOs which is Ubuntu based. I followed the "setuid installation" instructions here for my own laptop. TRUBA already has apptainer installed.


  • Details on how to use TRUBA are here.
  • In order to use A100 GPUs, you need to use palamut. These machines are seperate from TRUBA, and exclusive to AI research. Details on how to reach palamut-ui are here.

Python code

from autograd import grad
import pennylane as qml
from pennylane import numpy as np


symbols = ["H", "H"]
# optimized geometry at the Hartree-Fock level
geometry = np.array([[-0.672943567415407, 0.0, 0.0],
                     [ 0.672943567415407, 0.0, 0.0]], requires_grad=True)

# The use of ``requires_grad=True`` specifies that the nuclear coordinates are differentiable
# parameters. We can now compute the Hartree-Fock energy and its gradient with respect to the
# nuclear coordinates. To do that, we create a molecule object that stores all the molecular
# parameters needed to perform a Hartree-Fock calculation.

mol = qml.qchem.Molecule(symbols, geometry)

# The Hartree-Fock energy can now be computed with the
# :func:`~.pennylane.qchem.hf_energy` function which is a function transform


# We now compute the gradient of the energy with respect to the nuclear coordinates


# The obtained gradients are equal or very close to zero because the geometry we used here has been
# previously optimized at the Hartree-Fock level. You can use a different geometry and verify that
# the newly computed gradients are not all zero.
# We can also compute the values and gradients of several other quantities that are obtained during
# the Hartree-Fock procedure. These include all integrals over basis functions, matrices formed from
# these integrals and the one- and two-body integrals over molecular orbitals [#arrazola2021]_.
# Let's look at a few examples.
# We first compute the overlap integral between the two S-type atomic orbitals of the hydrogen
# atoms. Here we are using the `STO-3G <>`_
# basis set in which each of the atomic orbitals is represented by one basis function composed of
# three primitive Gaussian functions. These basis functions can be accessed from the molecule
# object as

S1 = mol.basis_set[0]
S2 = mol.basis_set[1]

# We can check the parameters of the basis functions as

for param in S1.params:

# This returns the exponents, contraction coefficients and the centres of the three Gaussian
# functions of the STO-3G basis set. These parameters can be also obtained individually by using
# ``S1.alpha``, ``S1.coeff`` and ``S1.r``, respectively. You can verify that both of the ``S1`` an
# ``S2`` atomic orbitals have the same exponents and contraction coefficients but are centred on
# different hydrogen atoms. You can also verify that the orbitals are S-type by printing the angular
# momentum quantum numbers with


# This gives us a tuple of three integers, representing the exponents of the :math:`x`, :math:`y`
# and :math:`z` components in the Gaussian functions [#arrazola2021]_.
# We can now compute the overlap integral,
# .. math::
#     S_{\mu \nu} = \int \chi_\mu^* (r) \chi_\nu (r) dr
# between the atomic orbitals :math:`\chi`, by passing the orbitals and the initial values of their
# centres to the :func:`~.pennylane.qchem.overlap_integral` function. The centres of the orbitals
# are those of the hydrogen atoms by default and are therefore treated as differentiable parameters
# by PennyLane.

qml.qchem.overlap_integral(S1, S2)([geometry[0], geometry[1]])

# You can verify that the overlap integral between two identical atomic orbitals is equal to one.
# We can now compute the gradient of the overlap integral with respect to the orbital centres

grad(qml.qchem.overlap_integral(S1, S2))([geometry[0], geometry[1]])

# Can you explain why some of the computed gradients are zero?
# Let's now plot the atomic orbitals and their overlap. We can do it by using
# the :py:meth:`~.pennylane.qchem.Molecule.atomic_orbital` function, which evaluates the
# atomic orbital at a given coordinate. For instance, the value of the S orbital on the first
# hydrogen atom can be computed at the origin as

V1 = mol.atomic_orbital(0)
V1(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

# We can evaluate this orbital at different points along the :math:`x` axis and plot it.

x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1000)

# We can also plot the second S orbital and visualize the overlap between them

V2 = mol.atomic_orbital(1)

# By looking at the orbitals, can you guess at what distance the value of the overlap becomes
# negligible? Can you verify your guess by computing the overlap at that distance?
# Similarly, we can plot the molecular orbitals of the hydrogen molecule obtained from the
# Hartree-Fock calculations. We plot the cross-section of the bonding orbital on the :math:`x-y`
# plane.

n = 30 # number of grid points along each axis

mol.mo_coefficients = mol.mo_coefficients.T
mo = mol.molecular_orbital(0)
x, y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-2, 2, n),
                   np.linspace(-2, 2, n))
val = np.vectorize(mo)(x, y, 0)
val = np.array([val[i][j]._value for i in range(n) for j in range(n)]).reshape(n, n)

# VQE simulations
# ---------------
# By performing the Hartree-Fock calculations, we obtain a set of one- and two-body integrals
# over molecular orbitals that can be used to construct the molecular Hamiltonian with the
# :func:`~.pennylane.qchem.molecular_hamiltonian` function.

hamiltonian, qubits = qml.qchem.molecular_hamiltonian(mol.symbols,

# The Hamiltonian contains 15 terms and, importantly, the coefficients of the Hamiltonian are all
# differentiable. We can construct a circuit and perform a VQE simulation in which both of the
# circuit parameters and the nuclear coordinates are optimized simultaneously by using the computed
# gradients. We will have two sets of differentiable parameters: the first set is the
# rotation angles of the excitation gates which are applied to the reference Hartree-Fock state
# to construct the exact ground state. The second set contains the nuclear coordinates of the
# hydrogen atoms.

dev = qml.device("lightning.gpu", wires=4,batch_obs=False)
def energy(mol):
    def circuit(*args):
        qml.BasisState(np.array([1, 1, 0, 0]), wires=range(4))
        qml.DoubleExcitation(*args[0][0], wires=[0, 1, 2, 3])
        H = qml.qchem.molecular_hamiltonian(mol.symbols, mol.coordinates, alpha=mol.alpha,
                                            coeff=mol.coeff, args=args[1:])[0]
        return qml.expval(H)
    return circuit

# Note that we only use the :class:`~.pennylane.DoubleExcitation` gate as the
# :class:`~.pennylane.SingleExcitation` ones can be neglected in this particular example
# [#szabo1996]_. We now compute the gradients of the energy with respect to the circuit parameter
# and the nuclear coordinates and update the parameters iteratively. Note that the nuclear
# coordinate gradients are simply the forces on the atomic nuclei.

# initial value of the circuit parameter
circuit_param = [np.array([0.0], requires_grad=True)]

for n in range(36):

    args = [circuit_param, geometry]
    mol = qml.qchem.Molecule(symbols, geometry)

    # gradient for circuit parameters
    g_param = grad(energy(mol), argnum = 0)(*args)
    circuit_param = circuit_param - 0.25 * g_param[0]

    # gradient for nuclear coordinates
    forces = -grad(energy(mol), argnum = 1)(*args)
    geometry = geometry + 0.5 * forces

    if n % 5 == 0:
        print(f'n: {n}, E: {energy(mol)(*args):.8f}, Force-max: {abs(forces).max():.8f}')

# After 35 steps of optimization, the forces on the atomic nuclei and the gradient of the
# circuit parameter are both approaching zero, and the energy of the molecule is that of the
# optimized geometry at the
# `full-CI <>`_ level:
# :math:`-1.1373060483` Ha. You can print the optimized geometry and verify that the final bond
# length of hydrogen is identical to the one computed with full-CI which is :math:`1.389`
# `Bohr <>`_.
# We are now ready to perform a full optimization where the circuit parameters, the nuclear
# coordinates and the basis set parameters are all differentiable parameters that can be optimized
# simultaneously.

# initial values of the nuclear coordinates
geometry = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, -0.672943567415407],
                     [0.0, 0.0, 0.672943567415407]], requires_grad=True)

# initial values of the basis set exponents
alpha = np.array([[3.42525091, 0.62391373, 0.1688554],
                  [3.42525091, 0.62391373, 0.1688554]], requires_grad=True)

# initial values of the basis set contraction coefficients
coeff = np.array([[0.1543289673, 0.5353281423, 0.4446345422],
                  [0.1543289673, 0.5353281423, 0.4446345422]], requires_grad=True)

# initial value of the circuit parameter
circuit_param = [np.array([0.0], requires_grad=True)]

for n in range(36):

    args = [circuit_param, geometry, alpha, coeff]
    mol = qml.qchem.Molecule(symbols, geometry, alpha=alpha, coeff=coeff)

    # gradient for circuit parameters
    g_param = grad(energy(mol), argnum=0)(*args)
    circuit_param = circuit_param - 0.25 * g_param[0]

    # gradient for nuclear coordinates
    forces = -grad(energy(mol), argnum=1)(*args)
    geometry = geometry + 0.5 * forces

    # gradient for basis set exponents
    g_alpha = grad(energy(mol), argnum=2)(*args)
    alpha = alpha - 0.25 * g_alpha

    # gradient for basis set contraction coefficients
    g_coeff = grad(energy(mol), argnum=3)(*args)
    coeff = coeff - 0.25 * g_coeff

    if n % 5 == 0:
        print(f'n: {n}, E: {energy(mol)(*args):.8f}, Force-max: {abs(forces).max():.8f}')

# You can also print the gradients of the circuit and basis set parameters and confirm that they are
# approaching zero. The computed energy of :math:`-1.14040160` Ha is
# lower than the full-CI energy, :math:`-1.1373060483` Ha (obtained with the STO-3G basis set for
# the hydrogen molecule) because we have optimized the basis set parameters in our example. This
# means that we can reach a lower energy for hydrogen without increasing the basis set size, which
# would otherwise lead to a larger number of qubits.
# Conclusions
# -----------
# This tutorial introduces an important feature of PennyLane that allows performing
# fully-differentiable Hartree-Fock and subsequently VQE simulations. This feature provides two
# major benefits: i) All gradient computations needed for parameter optimization can be carried out
# with the elegant methods of automatic differentiation which facilitates simultaneous optimizations
# of circuit and Hamiltonian parameters in applications such as VQE molecular geometry
# optimizations. ii) By optimizing the molecular parameters such as the exponent and contraction
# coefficients of Gaussian functions of the basis set, one can reach a lower energy without
# increasing the number of basis functions. Can you think of other interesting molecular parameters
# that can be optimized along with the nuclear coordinates and basis set parameters that we
# optimized in this tutorial?
# References
# ----------
# .. [#arrazola2021]
#     Juan Miguel Arrazola, Soran Jahangiri, Alain Delgado, Jack Ceroni *et al.*, "Differentiable
#     quantum computational chemistry with PennyLane". `arXiv:2111.09967
#     <>`__
# .. [#szabo1996]
#     Attila Szabo, Neil S. Ostlund, "Modern Quantum Chemistry: Introduction to Advanced Electronic
#     Structure Theory". Dover Publications, 1996.


  • ssh to levrek1
  • ssh to palamut-ui
  • Create a directory, put the script, download and extract the dataset
    • mkdir cuQuantum-test
    • cd cuQuantum-test
  • Get an interactive acces to a palamut node with 2 gpus
    • srun -A --partition palamut-cuda --job-name "cuQuantum" --ntasks-per-node=32 --gres=gpu:2 --time 01:00:00 -N 1 --pty bash -i
  • Run the example
    • singularity run --nv ~/QC-progs.sif python3
  • You can check the utilization of GPUs by nvidia-smi -l


It works, but there are significant limitations due to Observable Hermitian and Adjoint differentiation gatchas. Also pyTorch hybrid neural networks use only a single gpu.
