Course Information

Temperature, heat and laws of thermodynamics. Thermal expansion, ideal gases, kinetic theory of gases. The wave nature of light, diffraction, interference, polarization and related phenomena. Special theory of relativity. Early quantum theory and atomic models, introduction to quantum mechanics. Time-independent Schrodinger,s equation and application to simple potentials.

Students must complete one of the following sets to take this course.

Set Prerequisites
1 2300105, 2300106, 2360119, 2360120

Instructional Methods


The exams will be graded via Gradescope. The attendance quizzes and homework will be published and graded via ODTUClass. The attendance quizzes are small, simple multiple-choice tests that are time limited. Homework frequency and format will be announced later (please follow the course website) Additionally, there is an optional "course project" where you'll need to prepare a class-presentable demonstration that is related to the concepts presented in the course. The bonus is up to %10 depending on the complexity and execution of the demonstration, and small groups working on the same demonstration are allowed.  You'll need to submit an abstract (including the details of the demonstration, and names) if you would like to participate. Further details will be announced on the course web page.


Course Textbook(s)

We will use Giancoli's "Physics for Scientists and Engineers" 4th edition. This is the same textbook used in PHYS105 and PHYS106 at METU, in the past few years. We will cover chapters 17, 18, 19, 20, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39. A more detailed syllabus, including the breakdown of each chapter, will be distributed electronically via ODTUClass.

We will also use additional resources that will be distributed electronically.

Course Policies

Class Attendance

You don't need to be personally in class, but you need to do the attendance Quizzes.

Class Participation

You don't need to be personally in class, but you need to do the attendance Quizzes. Classes will be broadcast on YouTube, whenever possible.


There is an optional "course project" where you'll need to prepare a class-presentable demonstration that is related to the concepts presented in the course. The bonus is up to %10 depending on the complexity and execution of the demonstration, and small groups working on the same demonstration are allowed.  You'll need to submit an abstract (including the details of the demonstration, and names) if you would like to participate. Further details will be announced on the course web page.

Course Contents





Temperature, Thermal Expansion and the Ideal Gas Law

1-4, 6-9


Kinetic Theory of Gases

1-4, 6, (?7)


Heat and the First Law of Thermodynamics



Second Law of Thermodynamics

1-9, (?10-11)

1st Midterm


The Wave Nature of Light



Diffraction and Polarization

1-2, 4-8, (?9), 10-13


Special Theory of Relativity


2nd Midterm


Early Quantum Theory and Models of the Atom



Quantum Mechanics

1-5, 7-10


Quantum Mechanics of Atoms




1st midterm


2nd midterm






Attendance Quizzes


Project (Bonus) up to %10


A single make-up is given for any exam or missed due to an excuse officially documented.
A student must send the make-up request during the time period that will be announced. The student is responsible for providing documentation substantiating the reason for the request and it must be provided with the request form as an attachment. The make-up exam includes the whole course content. The grade of the make-up exam replaces the exam missed.

Exam dates

2022 Fall Exams
Midterm 1

12/11/2022 16:30-18:30

Midterm 2

17/12/2022 16:30-18:30

Final 10/01/2023 17:00-19:00
Make-up 11/01/2023 17:00-19:00